Mountain Dew Baja Blast

Enjoy Mountain Dew but wish it tasted more like a $2 daiquiri on the Las Vegas Strip? Well, apparently Taco Bell sees it that way, too, as they've secured an exclusive Dew flavor very much consistent with their tacit niche as the prime destination for food following or during a drinking binge.

Baja Blast is by far the least of the Dew flavors … weak and watered down, it purports to deliver a typhoon of tropical lime but really comes off much more like a fat kid's pitiful cannonball into a urine-soaked swimming pool. Most likely this was one of the sole flavors cooked up in the top-secret Mountain Dew laboratories that the company could safely license out as an exclusive, since it's so clearly a misfire unfit to be marketed.

Taco Bell patrons may like the sense of exclusivity, but keep in mind, 80% of them are drunk at the time.

Review by Savage Pampas