Snickers® Adventure Bar™ Limited Edition

Like most co-branded products, Snickers® Adventure Bar™ makes not a lick of sense, yet you sort of have to admire the marketers who convinced themselves it was a home-run concept. How can we promote "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" AND get people to see there's something exciting happening in Snickers land?! Gentlemen, I give you … Adventure Bar™!!!!

Pats on the back all around, fuck-o's. Anyway, this bills itself as Snickers with "a cliffhanger kick of exotic spice and a hint of coconut flavor" … dunno about the exotic spice, as the actual taste is basically Snickers with coconut. Maybe it would have made more sense for the 20th anniversary theatrical re-release of Cocktail? They did re-release that theatrically, right?

Overall, not bad. Points deducted for the trying-way-too-hard "Arti-FACT" trivia on the packaging: "The 1930s were a great time for adventure! Because the first three Indiana Jones movies were set in that decade, AND SNICKERS® was also introduced in 1930!" I'm probably paraphrasing, but come on. Snickers is supposed to be packed with nuts, not corn!!!

Review by Printing PrinTao