Peter Paul® Almond Joy®

First off, you have to hand it to Peter Paul® for not changing their packaging to fit with the times. The complementary wrapper designs of Almond Joy® and Mounds® are a delight to see whenever I am in the candy aisle, and they bring a smile to my face in the same way that thoughts of childhood do, except ones wherein I am being beaten and/or attacked by loved ones or their vicious pets.

Almond Joy® has the delicious blend of coconut, almonds, and milk chocolate for a taste that can barely be beat … in fact, if it were not for Mounds®, Almond Joy® would be considered one of the most amazing and original candy bars out there. As it is, it must always be viewed in relation to its fraternal twin, Mounds®.

Mounds® might be the shining star of the family, but you have to admit, sometimes you undeniably do feel like a nut. For example, I feel just like Henry Lee Lucas right now! 🤗

Review by Dheri Jordache