Cadbury Crème Egg

An Easter tradition that will make you glad they crucified your Lord, Cadbury's Crème Egg is a milk chocolate egg filled with creamy sugar meant to simulate or emulate a raw egg.

As a tradition it's pretty good, as a candy it's a little less so, especially since it makes you so thirsty. That said, it's something that makes sense once a year or two, but its richness, which is top-heavy in suffocating sweetness rather than ingeniously blended, is not something anyone should make a habit of.

On a side note, I once knew a kid who could fit seven of these in his mouth at one time, and he used to win bets doing that at lunch. Years later I ran into him in a bathhouse and he had transferred that talent to a prodigious, but self-loathing, talent for bulk fellatio.

Review by Dr. Tinkler