Quiznos® Sub
250 E Dundee Rd, Wheeling, IL, USA

I don't know what happened to Quiznos between the time I first had it (June 1999, Riverside, CA) and now, but it seems like an entirely different restaurant. This time, there were no sandwiches I could recognize let alone would order, whereas the first time, I recall getting what I would normally get, some sort of combination of roast beef and cheese.

The menu was indecipherable and I was forced to order whatever was on the sign on the wall, because I could point at it and say "I want that." Now that I think about it, that sounds like the ideal method for ordering fast food.

Well, the ideal would really be to turn the register around and have you punch in exactly what you want. With self-checkout in grocery stores nationwide, I am optimistic that some day we will have that opportunity.

My sandwich was unsatisfactory, as was my entire experience there. A man insisted on sitting next to me and my companion when we were in the middle of a private conversation – the nerve!

Quiznos sucks, yo. If you're still fascinated by the concept of toasted bread, give Potbelly's a try—it's far and away the better joint.

Review by Sammy Salsa, September 2002