All the Queen's Men (2001)
Directed by Stefan Ruzowitzky
Written by Digby Wolfe, Joseph Manduke, & June Roberts

Enjoyed To Wong Foo, but felt what it really needed was Nazi intrigue? All the Queen's Men tells the tale of American and British secret service agents infliltrating a German factory where Der Führer's coded-message machines are being built … by an all-female staff!

Apparently someone saw the need to cross Saving Private Ryan with “Bosom Buddies,” but like hybridized brisket-apples, it's an unneccessary product. Even the fabulous Eddie Izzard can't wring any real amusement out of the setup.

If you're curious about seeing Matt Leblanc in drag, just think Sigorney Weaver in a Lifetime Original Movie about the young Barbara Stanwyck. Hm … I seem to have invented a movie I'd want to see even less.

Review by La Fée